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Cream cheese recipe

Cream cheese recipe 1Cream cheese prosketta:

The recipe:

1 . 1 of French bread( baggette loaf) is cut in a curve .

2 . 1 cup of cream cheese.

3 . 3 big spoons of parcely are cut .

4 . 2 green onions are cut.

5 . 1 stick of celery is cut.

6 . some salt and some pepper.

7 . 1 small spoon of garlic.

8 . 3 big spoons of olive oil.

The recipe:

1. Roast the slices of the  French bread.

2 . Mix the other ingredients together.

3 . Spread the mixture on the slices of the bread.

I wish that you admire it.

The resource:

Fatafet magazine

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