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Drinks , drinks , cocktail , cocktails , food, food

Green cocktail :

Drinks , drinks , cocktail , cocktails , food, food 1

The ingredients :

2 units of big cucumbers .

3-4 units of medium green apples .

2 units. Of beeped green lemon .

1 stalk of celery ( medium) .

100 m of sparkling water .

The recipe :

Put the cucumbers , green apples , celery and the green lemon in the blender.

Fill two thirds of the glass with the juice and complete the rest of it with the sparkling water.

Present it with leaves of mint or a slice of green apple and lemon .

lemonade cocktail:

The ingredients :

1 back of small fennel or half back of a big one .

2 stalks of celery.

a back of mint .

Drinks , drinks , cocktail , cocktails , food, food 2

a back of parsley.

A half of green apple .

2 units of small peeled lemon .

The recipe :

put all of the ingredients of the juicer .

move it and drink it directly.

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